The North End/ Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) heard from petitioners on two projects in the North End at their July 2020 meeting.
210 Endicott Street Elevator Extension
The Dello Russo family sought permission to extend the building’s existing elevator to include ADA access to the roof deck. This change would require a 7’8″ addition on the head house for the elevator shaft. View the plans below.
Due to the requested changes, the petitioner is now in violation of zoning article 54-18 which restricts buildings in the North End from adding or enlarging a roof structure without giving notice to the public and having a hearing to receive a conditional use release.
According to the petitioners, abutter feedback has been in support of the project. However, a resident on the Zoom call pointed out that the erected head house has obstructed her building’s view. The petitioner stated that all building construction was approved through community process in 2013/2014 and the only change being asked for now was the 7’8″ additional override for the elevator shaft.
The building’s construction progress is coming to a close with approximately three to six months remaining before completion.
NEWNC voted 10-0 to support the project. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, one council member was unable to vote.
Table Mercato Requests Occupancy Change to Support Takeout Use
Jen Royle, owner of Table Mercato at 445 Hanover Street, requested to shift her restaurant’s model to include takeout services by extending her business to 441 Hanover Street which is the space adjacent to her existing restaurant.

The renovations requested would include installation of two deli cases, countertops, new lighting, replacing sinks, and refinishing the floors. View the plans below.

The restaurant’s existing CV license with malt, wine, and beer will extend to the new space. However, the takeout space will not allow liquor to-go (outside of the currently allowed ability to sell alcohol to-go during the pandemic) and is only being extended because it is also the restaurant’s license to serve food.
Concerns were raised by the neighborhood council regarding the petitioner’s request because of issues with the existing restaurant at 445 Hanover Street. According to NEWNC president, Brett Roman, Table was supported by the council in 2018 for private events only with a 15-40 people occupancy max. However, the owner now operates the business as a restaurant for the public.
The council also only supported induction stoves in the kitchen for preparing and reheating food. Within the last year, the building has installed ventilation alongside the building to accommodate gas stoves and ovens as opposed to the council’s previously approved induction stoves.
Jen Royle stated that her building plans were rejected by the Board of Health and that she was instructed to utilize commercial appliances for her business’s kitchen. She attempted to break her lease, but her landlord refused. She felt as though she had no other option but to become a restaurant and was not aware that she had to propose these changes to the neighborhood council.
According to Royle, her business mainly operates for private events and the restaurant is open to the public through reservations only. She is seeking to expand her business for takeout now in an attempt to survive the COVID-19 pandemic.
NEWNC voted 10-0 to support the project. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, one council member was unable to vote.