Business Featured Food & Drink

North End Restaurants Open for Pick-Up and Delivery

As the COVID-19 public health crisis continues to evolve, local restaurants are doing what they can to adapt until the shutdown is lifted. Gov. Baker recently extended the closure of non-essential businesses through May 18, 2020.

This reference guide has been updated to show the current status as of May 6, 2020. New entries include Limoncello, Monica’s Trattoria, and Strega Waterfront all open for takeout. North Street Grille open for takeout and delivery. Parziale’s Bakery has reopened under limited hours (Mon.–Thurs. 7am – 3pm; Fri.–Sat. 7am – 4pm; Closed Sunday). Pauli’s, previously offering takeout and delivery, is now closed until May 18.

Anthony Dettore put his design skills to good use and built this easy reference guide of the area restaurants offering pick-up and delivery in the North End / Waterfront area.

“It will make it easier for all of us in the neighborhood to support our favorite places that are trying like hell to stay afloat,” he says!

Have an update? Email and also add it to the NEWNC survey list here.

8 Replies to “North End Restaurants Open for Pick-Up and Delivery

  1. This is a great tool thanks. Is there a way to enhance it by allowing a one click link the restraunts menus .

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