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St. Leonard Church Live Streaming Masses and Service During Holy Week

In these difficult times, we are writing to each of you as a member of our parish family to extend our greetings and consolation and to remind you that we are close to you during these days through prayer.

In order to maintain and strengthen this connection, we have been working on bringing St Leonard masses and services online to you via our St. Leonard website and Facebook live stream videos.

Program of live stream via Facebook:

·         Monday through Friday 11:30am live rosary followed by daily special programming:

o    Monday – Divine Mercy

o    Tuesday – St Anthony devotion

o    Wednesday – Meet the Saints

o    Thursday – Adoration

o    Friday – The way of the cross

Saturday – 5:00pm Saturday mass

Sunday – 10:30am Italian and 12:00pm masses

Reminder, all live stream videos can also be found at our website, about one hour after the live stream is over.

St Leonard website = – Updates from Father, current videos on demand, program schedule and more

St Leonard Facebook page =  – Live videos, parishioner posts and more

St Leonard YouTube channel – – all videos filmed can be found here – masses, meet the saints, Father’s messages etc.  Subscribe and follow for updates

Because we are not able to receive your donations at the church we are inviting you to continue supporting our mission through secure online giving. Online Giving – for your weekly offertory and other special intentions such as mass intentions, candles, bricks and more.

We would like to encourage you to use these resources as a means of deepening your relationship with Jesus during this time and inviting your families to share their faith together.

We are very grateful for your continued support. Without your help we would not be able to help those in need.

Special Holy Week Schedule of Online Services & Masses:

Saturday, April 4th:
5 pm Vigil Mass of the Lord’s Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem

Tuesday April 7th 11:30 rosary
1205 Mass
St Anthony Devotion

Wednesday April 8th
1130 Rosary

12:05 Mass
1:00 Meet the saints

Thursday, April 9th: 1130 rosary

12:00 adoration
8 pm Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper

Friday, April 10th:
12 Noon Stations of the Cross
3 pm Passion of Our Lord

Saturday, April 11th:
8 pm Vigil Mass of the Holy Night of Easter

Sunday, April 12th:
10:30 am Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection (Italian)
12 Noon Mass of the Lord’s Resurrection

**Please note that St. Leonard’s Church will be closed at these times and that all Masses and Services are held online via Facebook Live due to the ongoing COVID-19 Public Health Emergency.**

One Reply to “St. Leonard Church Live Streaming Masses and Service During Holy Week

  1. Thank you all for organizing these special events—because of you all—- our treasured traditions are still being carried on !!!

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