Health & Environment

NEW Health Staff Volunteer for Reassignment Within MGH

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mass General Hospital (MGH) has been at the center of Boston’s unified fight against this new strain of coronavirus. The hospital has steadfastly turned its resources toward the issues at hand as front line health care workers continue to see an increasing number of patients each day. The hospital played a large role in opening Boston Hope, a new medical center dedicated to caring for COVID-19 patients, and the MGH research team has refocused its efforts on the new virus.

MGH stands as a beacon of hope in the face of this adversity. As an MGH affiliate, NEW Health takes great pride in the extended family we’re so happy to be apart of. As the numbers of COVID-19 infected patients continue to rise and MGH expands their efforts, the need for front line workers has become imperative.

Seeing an opportunity to help, some of NEW Health’s physicians and nurses have volunteered themselves for reassignment within MGH. Volunteers can be reassigned within their own department, in a different department in a similar role, or another role that provides support for other services or tasks.

NEW Health has been encouraging our staff to volunteer for reassignment if they feel comfortable to do so. We are so proud of the staff members who have made the difficult decision to put themselves at the front line of this pandemic.

The health center is still well equipped to provide telephonic and emergency visits for our patients.

The entire community has been working together to fight this virus through social distancing, the dedication of health care workers and acts of kindness among our neighbors and friends. Together we are strong.

2 Replies to “NEW Health Staff Volunteer for Reassignment Within MGH

  1. Thank you to the doctors, nurses and other medical personnel who have worked tirelessly, jeopardizing their own health and safety, and answering to the call of duty! They are truly our Heros! Another group of Heros are first responders, fire and police. They, too, are risking their lives to comfort and save the lives of Boston residents. They are amazing, heartfelt people who, too, are away from their families to help our families.

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