Community Featured Health & Environment

Maria’s Cotton Masks Available in North End

Maria Carella, the retired dressmaker in North Square, is finally caught up on her mask making. Masks are once again readily available by emailing Sandro at

Maria the Dressmaker

These are 100% recycled cotton and rubber band masks. They are contoured to the face and nose, from a pattern, and carefully hemmed at the perimeter.

A suggested contribution of $5 per mask, but the Crosstown Foundation for the Arts Inc. will cover the cost for anyone who needs it. 

Maria and Sandro thank the community for all their support and wish everyone to stay healthy.

11 Replies to “Maria’s Cotton Masks Available in North End

      1. Michele, An envelope with your name on it and your (4) masks is pinned to my door.
        If you can afford it, place payment in the envelope and slide it beneath my door.

        Be well! sandro

    1. Carol, An envelope with your name on it and your (2) masks is pinned to my door.
      If you can afford it, place payment in the envelope and slide it beneath my door.

      Be well! sandro

    2. Carole, your masks have been sitting outside since 4.29, do you still want them? be well! sandro

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