Community Featured Government Meetings

North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council 2020 Elections; Nomination Papers Due May 4

The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) Election is currently scheduled for Saturday, May 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center (30 N. Bennet Street).

All North End residents 18 and older (City of Boston, Ward III, Precincts 1, 2, 3, or 4) interested in running should email NEWNC directly at, to sign out your nomination papers for this year’s election. Candidates must collect 40 signatures from North End residents over 18 years of age.

At this time, NEWNC is asking all potential candidates to respect the emergency precautions being implemented by the City, State, and Federal Authorities, and refrain from going around and gathering signatures until it is safe to do so. Please stay tuned over the next couple of weeks for any potential extensions, changes, or other updates regarding this year’s NEWNC Election.

It is encouraged that candidates obtain more than the required 40 signatures, in the event that any signatures are illegible and invalid. All signatures will be reviewed and validated by this year’s Election Committee, comprised of the six active NEWNC members not up for re-election.

As always, there are six seats available for election. There are four current members at the end of their two-year terms and up for re-election (Brett Roman, John Pregmon, Marie Simboli and Jody Faller). The six candidates with the most amount of votes will be elected to a two-year term and join the current six members with one year remaining in their terms (Tina Natale, Damien DiPaola, Ashley Leo, Tania Green, and Carmine Guarino). Pat Bova has recently resigned from the council for work commitments.

Qualified candidates’ are expected to have read and become familiar with NEWNC Bylaws and attending the meeting schedule of the second Monday of every month. The NEWNC meeting on Monday, May 11 will feature candidate introductions. The meeting is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center.

NEWNC advises the City of Boston on issues affecting the quality of life in the North End / Waterfront area including, but not limited to, land use, development, clean streets, parking, public safety, residential & commercial expansion, and food & beverage licenses.

If you have any questions or need additional information please contact us via email at, Twitter @newncboston, or Facebook at