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Crime Report: Aggravated Assault, Four Larcenies, Three Arrests

Boston Police District A-1 provided North End / Waterfront residents an update on recent neighborhood crime incidents, summarized below, at the February 2020 North End Public Safety Meeting.

Aggravated Assaults (1)

– 2/3/20 at 12:30am (160 Prince St.): A male victim saw his ex-girlfriend with her new boyfriend. An unknown person later struck him from behind with a folding table. Victim suspects he may have been attacked by the aforementioned new boyfriend. Victim was taken to Mass. General Hospital.

Breaking & Entering – Residence (1)

– 1/28/20 at 2:30am (124 Prince St.): Female victim woke up and saw her ex-boyfriend standing at the edge of her bed, whom proceeded to throw a pile of her clothes that he had with him on her floor, stating he no longer wanted her clothes at his place. Suspect was later found at 190 Salem St., where was placed under arrest for residential breaking and entering.

Larcenies (3)

– 1/7/20 at 6:30pm (39 Cooper St.): Suspect known to police was observed following a UPS truck. He was further observed on North Margin St. unzipping a bag and placing a brown package into same. Said package belonged to a resident at the aforementioned Cooper St. address. Suspect was arrested for larceny from a building and trespassing.

– 1/8/20 at 7:15pm (CVS – 218 Hanover St.): Male suspect stole three boxes of condoms (valued at $6.30/each) from a Hanover St. pharmacy. Suspect was stopped by responding police officers. The item was retrieved and returned to the store. Suspect to be summonsed to court.

– 1/24/20 at 9:08pm (226 Hanover St.): Victim placed her purse on the backside of a high chair. At some point, she noticed it was gone. Video footage showed a female suspect had entered the establishment with one purse and later left with two purses.

Larceny from Motor Vehicle (1)

– 1/13/20 at 3:55am (37 Charter St.): Victim parked their car on Charter St. Wallet containing bank cards, etc. was left in the car. They thought they had locked their car. They later received a call from Bank of America, stating their card was declined. Victim discovered the wallet had been stolen. No sign of forced entry.

*Arrests (3)*

– Breaking & Entering (Residential): Aforementioned Prince St. incident.

– Possession of Drugs: 1/29/20 at 12:00pm – 585 Commercial St. (Eliot (Upper) School): Student’s locker was searched. Thermos containing cocaine was found during same.

– Larceny from Building: Aforementioned Cooper St. incident.

David Marx hosts the monthly Public Safety meeting with Boston Police District A-1. North End Public Safety Meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month, 6:00 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome to attend and bring their questions. See the Community Calendar for upcoming meeting dates.

7 Replies to “Crime Report: Aggravated Assault, Four Larcenies, Three Arrests

  1. Lot’s of ex- boyfriend and ex-girlfriend with new boy- friend and new-ex whatever going on. Why can’t people get over it? Just face it, you were never meant to be!

  2. What’s it with stealing $6 worth of condoms?? I’ve seen this more than once on here. You can go to a clinic and get free condoms.

  3. Did people miss that a child was walking around with cocaine? That is by far the most disturbing piece of this.

  4. Fortunately it sounds like another student dropped a dime on this kid. I don’t what the ages of the kids are at the Elliot upper school but it is very disturbing & troubling.

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