In their visual art class at the Eliot School, grade 7 students partnered with members of the Boston Host Lions Club to participate in the Lions Club International Peace Poster Contest.
Students were asked to create original designs based on the theme “Journey of Peace”. Eliot School Principal Traci Walker Griffith was an enthusiastic supporter of the inclusion of the Journey of Peace Contest as part of the art curriculum. Art teacher Rachel Rizzo and her student teacher Elizabeth White facilitated the students’ efforts and deftly integrated this project into the class.
The winning poster by Amelia has been submitted to the Lions District Level Contest with the other winners from various other eastern Massachusetts Lions Clubs. The Eastern Massachusetts winner will be sent to the next level of the Peace Contest and the winning poster from the United States will be sent to the Lions International Judging Committee. In addition to the winning poster, other Eliot finalists included Vadeaym, Kaija, Anna, Mia, Shannon and Nilah.
At the last class, Mary DiMasi and Felix Padial of the Boston Host Lions Club met with the students to hear about each of their contributions. All of the students received a small gift of recognition, and the finalists were awarded with Barnes and Noble gift certificates.
Jennifer Hawes, Librarian for the North End Branch of the Boston Public Library and Lin Thompson, Children’s Librarian, will display the posters for the community to enjoy. Please stop by the library for a Journey of Peace as envisioned by these awesome artists!
The Boston Host Lions Club would like to thank the Eliot School staff for making the peace poster project successful and our North End librarians for sharing these creative posters with our community.