The Seaport Transportation Management Association has proposed a fleet of small buses to create a network in Boston’s Seaport to shuttle people from place to place. The buses would take a circular route from South Station down to the Innovation and Design Building and back.

The service would be privately operated, but available to the public and would be free, at least during the introductory period, and then may charge a fare of $1 or less. If it succeeds, the association would look for other ways to supplement the costs of the service, such as charging Seaport businesses, according to the Boston Globe.
Boston’s Chief of Streets Chris Osgood supports the idea saying it will reduce congestion and improve transportation options. However, some opponents of the plan think it will not be sufficient during rush hour and that the city should make improvements to the MBTA Silver Line instead.
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How does putting another vehicle on the streets help with traffic?