The RUFF North End dog park had a case of the tennis ball mystery—or rather balls, lots of them—this weekend. Furry residents visited the park on Saturday to discover an explosion of dozens of tennis balls scattered everywhere. But where could they have come from?
After some digging (not by the dogs!), it was discovered that the neighborhood children decided to bestow the unexpected gift on the four-legged pups that frequent the dog park.
“A group of neighborhood kids climbed behind the tennis wall in DeFillipo Park, gathered all the lost balls, and brought them to the park, thinking the dogs would enjoy them, ” explained Ashley Seybold, Chairperson at Responsible Urbanite for Fido (RUFF). “Such a sweet gesture and makes our love for the neighborhood grow stronger!”
It certainly seems as though the doggies of the North End also greatly appreciated it!
Photos submitted by Ashley Seybold.
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