Daily Briefs

Wednesday’s Brief: Security Line Reward for Water Transportation, LEGO Club, Summer Shred, Friends of Cutillo Park Meeting

Today is Wednesday, September 25 and if you choose to travel by water to Logan Airport, it could just save you on the other end with a security line reward, read more on Boston.com.

Here’s what else you need to know for today…

3:00PM Kids’ LEGO Club at the North End Library. Description:Drop in after school to build whatever you can imagine using LEGOs and DUPLOs.

6:00PM Summer Shred by Next Level Fitness & Wellness. Weekly on Wednesdays through September 26 at Cross and Sudbury Streets. See the full line-up of Greenway fitness classes here.

6:30PM Friends of Cutillo Park Meeting. The Friends of Cutillo Park hold their monthly meeting on the last Wednesday of the month at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. Learn more here.

6:30PM Introduction to Genealogy Research at the North End Library. Learn how to get started with your genealogy research. You will be introduced to available genealogy resources including Ancestry.com, newspapers on microfilm, and city directories. Presented by BPL Reference Librarian Beverly Gill. Registration not required.

Notable News:

Charlie Baker calls for 4-month vape, e-cigarette sales ban

Governor Baker announced a 4-month ban on popular vape/e-cigarette sale to allow medical experts more time to collect information on vaping-related illnesses, read more on Boston.com.

Voting Families:


Plan your events with the Community Calendar:

Thursday, September 26

3:30PM Middle School Book Club at the North End Library. Talk about books and join in fun activities with other middle schoolers! For the September meeting, there’s no need to read anything ahead of time–just come prepared to read and discuss a short story together, to talk about books you enjoy, and to choose October’s title.

6:00PM Urban Renewal Community Meeting. The Boston Planning & Development Agency invites surrounding stakeholders to a community meeting regarding updates to the Government Center Urban Renewal Plan Area. Read more here.

6:00PM Salsa Dancing at Faneuil Hall Marketplace. Learn to Salsa with instructors from Metamovements Latin Dance Company. Live music will be provided by Manolo Mairena & His Salsa Report! The lesson and dance are FREE, no partner is necessary, and beginners are welcome! Lesson is from 6:00pm to 6:45pm and dancing is from 7:00pm to 8:30pm.

Friday, September 28

1:00PM Friday Film: Moonstruck (1987). Stop by the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street for their Friday Film Series. Today’s film will be “Moonstruck”.

From the Community:

From the Office of Senator Boncore: Janus Fix to Become Law

The Massachusetts Senate voted on Thursday, September 19 to override Governor Baker’s veto of An Act Relative to Collective Bargaining Dues, continue reading.

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Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.

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