Today is Tuesday, September 3 and Fall is just around the corner. Take a moment to exhale this month and check out this list of things to do around Greater Boston in September.
Here’s what you need to know for today…
10:30AM Toddler Story Time. Stop by the North End Library and listen to stories, sing songs, and learn together through movement and play. This story time is ideal for little ones who have started walking or moving on their own.
11:00AM Baby Story Time. Join the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street and enjoy gentle stories, songs, and lap bounces for pre-walking babies and caregivers.
3:30PM Kids’ Science Lab. Stop by the North End Library and experiment with acids and bases. This science lab is ideal for kids 6-12 years old.
Notable News:
Seaport to launch restored Mayflower II on Saturday
A replica of the Mayflower, a major tourist attraction in Plymouth, Mass, is slated to launch on Saturday. It has plans to be in Boston Harbor next May for Mayflower Sails, read more on
Neighborhood Friends:
Plan your events with the Community Calendar:
Wednesday, September 4
3:00PM Kids’ LEGO Club. Stop by the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street and drop in after school to build whatever you can imagine using LEGOS and DUPLOs.
6:00PM Summer Shred by Next Level Fitness & Wellness. Stop by the Greenway at Cross and Sudbury street for summer shred by next level fitness and wellness, see the full line-up of Greenway fitness classes here.
Thursday, September 5
10:30AM Yoga-Lates by Age Strong Commission. Stop by the North End Park for Yoga-Lates. See additional details and a full lineup of greenway classes here.
6:00PM Swing Dancing Lessons. Stop by Faneuil Hall and learn to swing dance with lessons provided by Boston Swing Central while enjoying live music from The Easy Winner Sextet. The lesson and dance are free. No partner necessary, and beginners are very welcome. Lessons are 6pm to 7pm and dancing with live music from 7pm to 8:30pm outside Wagamama on South Market.
6:00Pm North End Public Safety Meeting. Stop by the Nazzaro Center at 30 North Bennet Street for the North End public safety meeting. All North End/Waterfront residents are welcome to attend.
From the Community:
North End Against Drugs Thank You to Family Fun Festival Sponsors
North End Against Drugs (NEAD) would like to thank all who made the 2019 Family Fun Festival a huge success, continue reading.
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