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Reader Poll: Is the New N. Washington St. Bus / Bike Lane Improving Transit?

The North Washington Street bus / bike lane was implemented a few weeks ago to help ease congestion and increase safety along this busy corridor. The lane is in effect 24/7 inbound from the Charlestown Bridge to Haymarket.

In a poll earlier this year, 56 percent of readers who voted were in favor of the dedicated lane. The MBTA tweeted in support of the lane, saying it allows for “safer, faster, and more reliable service for our riders.”

But some people are still on the fence about this dedicated lane. Issues of people leaving their cars temporarily parked in the lane have been cited, and some cyclists have expressed concerns about the dangers of sharing a travel lane with buses that need to stop and go.

Now that it’s in place, do you think it’s working? Is this “ruby red carpet” as the Boston Transportation Department calls it improving travel in this area? Vote in our poll and add your comments in the section below.

Web polls are unscientific and reflect only those who choose to participate. polls do not have any official significance and are only intended for the interest of our readers.

2 Replies to “Reader Poll: Is the New N. Washington St. Bus / Bike Lane Improving Transit?

  1. I see the lane working during inbound rush hour each morning, but this poll has somewhat funky wording.

    The affirmative refers to “helping traffic flow” and the negative is about it not having “improved transit”. Whether the lane helps/hurts traffic flow or helps/hurts transit, the affirmative and negative should have parallel wording.

  2. There should be a speed limit sign posted. When I am waiting to cross N. Washington St. at the corner of Valenti Way and a bus comes speeding by, I feel the air velocity. I have not felt safe crossing N. Washington St. for a long time and this is not making it any safer and I don’t know how this is making it safer for the riders on the bus.

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