Community Health & Environment People

Mary Goiosa Receives Good Neighbor Award

Mary Goiosa was recently presented with the Good Neighbor Recognition Award for her efforts in keeping the North End neighborhood clean.

Mary Goiosa (right) receives the award from Recognition Chair Janet Gilardi.

Mary Goiosa waters the Fulton Street trees when there isn’t enough rain. She has been out there every day with her watering cans since moving to Fulton Street two years ago, waking up early in the morning to do this before work. Goiosa’s efforts have even inspired a couple of her neighbors to emulate her gestures!

When asked by Recognition Chair Janet Gilardi what sparked her interest Goiosa replied, “That’s the least I could do for the trees – they give us 50 (or so) years of beauty!!”

The monthly Good Neighbor award is voted by NEWRA’s Executive Committee and presented to local businesses, organizations and property owners that contribute to making our neighborhood beautiful and consistently keep the areas around their property clean of trash.

See previous winners of the NEWRA Clean Streets Good Neighbor Recognition Award.

2 Replies to “Mary Goiosa Receives Good Neighbor Award

  1. Thank you, Mary, as a resident of Fulton Street, also, your efforts are noticed and greatly appreciated!
    I try to find the time to remove the temporary no-parking signs, tape and plastic bands from the poles and trees after their expiration, they are so ugly and unnecessary.
    A little pride goes a long way to keep our street attractive.

  2. Thank you, Mary. We’re delighted to have you as our neighbor, and appreciate you and the trees you care for so lovingly.
    Nice work!

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