Today is Wednesday, July 31 and, as the month of July comes to an end, the hot weather is here to stay. With weather records dating back to 1872, this past month has been the hottest July on record, read more on
Here’s what else you need to know for today…
6:30PM Friends of Cutillo Park Meeting. The Friends of Cutillo Park hold their monthly meeting on the last Wednesday of the month at the Nazzaro Community Center, see additional information here.
7:00PM North End Movie Nights: The Christmas Story. Movies will be shown on Wednesdays in July and August at The Gassy / DeFilippo Playground on Prince Street. Pizza will be served at 7 p.m. and movies begin at dark. Rain location is the Nazzaro Center, see additional information here.
Notable News:
On land or on the water, tours are hot in Boston this week
If you’re looking to get some fresh air, or even just be a tourist in your own town, be sure to look into a local tour. Whether it be a waterfront cruise or a trolley tour, Boston tours are one of the post popular activities according to Hoodline’s data-driven analysis, read more on Yahoo!
Colorful Houses:
Plan your events with the Community Calendar:
Thursday, August 1
Saint Agrippina’s Feast. St. Agrippina di Mineo Feast opens at 7 p.m. on Thursday; 12 p.m. – 11 p.m. Fri., Sat. & Sun. at Hanover and Battery Streets.
10:00AM ParkARTS Children’s Workshops. Stop by Christopher Columbus Park where children can enjoy a wide variety of arts and crafts activities at the Artists in Residence. Participation is free and all materials are provided, but children must be accompanied by an adult, see additional details here.
10:30AM Yoga-Lates by Age Strong Commission. Stop by the North End Park for Yoga-Lates, see additional information and a full lineup of Greenway fitness classes here.
5:00PM Summer Concerts at the Charlestown Navy Yard. Join the National Parks Service and Boston Harbor Now for live music, lawn games and more, see additional details here.
6:00PM North End Public Safety Meeting. Stop by the Nazzaro Center for the North End Public Safety Meeting.
7:30PM Movie Musicals at Faneuil Hall: Mamma Mia. The West End of the Marketplace will be transformed into an outdoor movie theatre where visitors can enjoy free movies with pre-show activities starting at 7:30 p.m. and movies beginning at dusk, see additional details here.
Friday, August 2
Saint Agrippina’s Feast. St. Agrippina di Mineo Feast opens at 7 p.m. on Thursday; 12 p.m. – 11 p.m. Fri., Sat. & Sun. at Hanover and Battery Streets.
6:30AM Summer Fitness Series: Bootcamp. Stop by Christopher Columbus Park for the Boston Summer Fitness Series. This morning’s class will be Bootcamp, see additional information and a full class schedule here.
10:00AM Coffee House with Councilor Edwards. Join Councilor Edwards at Caffe Vittoria, 290-296 Hanover Street in the North End to say hello and share your questions, comments, and concerns regarding our neighborhood, see additional information here.
1:00PM Friday Films: The Member of the Wedding. Join the Boston Public Library for free movies on Fridays at 1pm. Today’s movie will be The Member of the Wedding, see additional details here.
From the Community:
Comedy Revolution at Riccardo’s Ristorante
Comedy Revolution, a stand up comedy act featuring a new lineup at each show, takes place on the first and third Thursday of every month at Riccardo’s Ristorante, 175 North Street, Boston, continue reading.
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