Business Food & Drink

Pauli’s Offers Free Lunch to Those Affected by Government Shutdown

Pauli’s North End Owner Paul Barker has been looking for a way to help out those who are suffering from not receiving paychecks during the government shutdown.

“I’m not talking politics, or taking sides in regards to the #governmentshutdown,” Barker said on his Facebook page. “What I’m seeing is that people are not getting paychecks, they can’t pay their bills and they’re suffering. As a small business it’s hard to know what to do to help, so I’m doing the only thing I can do. If you, or your family have been affected by the shutdown stop in Monday the 14th to our sandwich shop and lunch is on me from 1-3p. If I can find a way to afford to continue to do other things I will. Also, if any other restaurants, or retailers see this and can do something to help – join us on this. #ItsUpToUs#Boston.

In an effort to support these people, Pauli’s will be offering free lunch on Monday, January 14, from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. at their sandwich shop at 65 Salem Street to individuals and their families who are affected by the shutdown.

5 Replies to “Pauli’s Offers Free Lunch to Those Affected by Government Shutdown

  1. This is the kind of things that make me proud to be a North Ender! Way to go Pauli’s. If everyone did a little something, the world would be a better place. Keep up the good work.

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