Pauli’s North End Owner Paul Barker has been looking for a way to help out those who are suffering from not receiving paychecks during the government shutdown.
“I’m not talking politics, or taking sides in regards to the #governmentshutdown,” Barker said on his Facebook page. “What I’m seeing is that people are not getting paychecks, they can’t pay their bills and they’re suffering. As a small business it’s hard to know what to do to help, so I’m doing the only thing I can do. If you, or your family have been affected by the shutdown stop in Monday the 14th to our sandwich shop and lunch is on me from 1-3p. If I can find a way to afford to continue to do other things I will. Also, if any other restaurants, or retailers see this and can do something to help – join us on this. #ItsUpToUs#Boston. “
In an effort to support these people, Pauli’s will be offering free lunch on Monday, January 14, from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. at their sandwich shop at 65 Salem Street to individuals and their families who are affected by the shutdown.
Here is an option in Government Center for lunch on other days
Panera Cares® Community Cafe (Boston)
3 Center Plaza
Boston, MA 02108
(617) 371-3991
pay what you can. Volunteer for an hour a week for a free meal
What a kind thing to do…kudos to Pauli’s for reaching out like that.
Wonderful gesture….pay it forward
This is the kind of things that make me proud to be a North Ender! Way to go Pauli’s. If everyone did a little something, the world would be a better place. Keep up the good work.
Way to go Paul wonderful gesture.