Welcome back to our weekly update that highlights some of the cases appearing on 311 in the North End/Waterfront neighborhoods. All 311 cases are public information and can be found at 311.boston.gov.
Car Parked Illegally on Entire Sidewalk on Sheafe Street
“Illegal parking safety issue.”
The original 311 post can be found here. The case was submitted and opened on October 25th, 2018. The case was resolved the same day on October 25th, 2018 with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Invalid. better location needed.”
Trash on Commercial Street Sidewalk
“Actual location is 120 Commercial Street”

The original 311 post can be found here. The case was submitted and opened on October 30th, 2018. The case was resolved later that day on October 30th, 2018 with the following message: “Closed with status: Case Noted. No violation found at this time.”
Remember, to report a claim with 311, you can call 311, go to the 311 website, tweet at 311, or download the app. What do you think about these 311 cases? Follow our “What’s The 311?” tag to see past week’s postings!
Gee the North Benefit School in the background wasn’t a hint?
I just said the exact same thing to myself before seeing your comment T. Mobile-Sprint. I’ve lived on Sheafe for over 50 years and this has been going on for years now. I swear they park there and go eat dinner and walk around the neighborhood. The never get tickets or towed.
I am so happy that whomever did it,took the license plate,now shame them..
Yeah but, that’s Mercedes button on the hood. Ah the feeling of absolute entitlement. Took guts to park out in the open like that. The owner should feel relief if anything, if he returned and it was still there instead of in Charlestown.
“Case Closed with Invalid Location” ??? That is Sheafe Street, directly across from the new Eliot School main entrance on Salem Street. Illegally parked car, yes, but poor investigative process !
I have to be honest I pull up on the sidewalk and park like this every once in awhile.
It is part of city living. Sometimes it is the only option in this neighborhood. This person could have had to run upstairs to help an elderly relative. We shouldn’t rush to judgement and shame them.
The North End has ample places to park, if you’re willing to pay. Parking on the sidewalk forces someone else’s elderly relatives, children, or disabled family members into the street. It’s selfish and they should be shamed.
I agree, there is no excuse for parking on a sidewalk and there certainly isn’t any excuse for the explanation given as to why nothing was done about it.
I’m sorry but I would have to say that 95% of people who have lived here, originals and newbies, have benefited and participated in “jumping the curb” or double parking.
People do it every day on every street to run up groceries or help a relative or pick up something quick.
It’s selfish and they should be shamed.
Your statistics are as faulty as your logic.
But yet again, 311 is being completely and utterly useless. I think they’ve started with some promise. Now it’s just looking for an excuse to close the case or pawn it off.
You are right. My “statistics” for the amount of residents who “jump the curb” or double park are generalized and not based on any specific study.
But you don’t need statistics for my logic. Just take a walk around the neighborhood and you can see for yourself.
People do it all the time. Everyday. It goes on with very little disturbance to the rest of the neighborhood. It’s pry of city living and always has been.
Right…double parking on Hanover St doesn’t cause any problems at all…what?
Your statistics notwithstanding, the logic is faulty. On several levels.
One is that this doesn’t cause any issues. It does. people can’t walk around this genius without stepping onto the roadway. Especially people with carriages. Perhaps you feel that they are not entitled to the sidewalk space. Then we all wring our hands in a futile attempt to understand “what happened” when a car hits someone. oh, I forgot, you feel that we live in the city, so cars don’t hit people. We do have actual statistics on that. Let me assure you, they do.
The wider fallacy is that this kind of behavior doesn’t cause larger problems. It does. The issues start as small fraying around the edges. Don’t enforce simple rules – watch the ripping of the fabric, so to speak.