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Hybrid Cargo Ship “Emerald Ace” Passes Through Boston Harbor
The EMERALD ACE, a 60,200 ton cargo ship built to carry up to 6,400 standard passenger cars passed through Boston Harbor on Saturday, August 24. The ship, completed in 2012, is the world’s first hybrid car carrier. It has a hybrid electric power supply system that combines a 160kW solar generation system with lithium-ion batteries Read More…
Reader Poll: Should Masks Be Banned During Protests and in Other Public Spaces?
Boston City Council recently discussed a potential ban on wearing masks during protests and in other public spaces. The question of whether or not masks should be allowed arose following protests in August to the Straight Pride Parade. Councilor Flynn was one who spoke in support of the ban, saying public safety is the biggest Read More…
Social Highlights This Week: Reflections and Confetti!
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