Daily Briefs

Weekend Brief: Service Center Halloween Party, Italian Books and Culture Festival, Preschool Movie Hour

Things to know for Friday

Today is Friday, October 26 and if you’re looking for some good local food, Boston Magazine just named Neptune Oyster as #33 in their list of the best 50 restaurants in Boston, continue reading

Here’s everything you need to know for this weekend…

10:00AM Preschool Movie Hour. Join the North End Library at 25 Parmenter Street for their movie hour for children ages 1-6. This week’s film will be The Cat in the Hat Knows a lot About That! Halloween!

12:30PM ABCD Neighborhood Service Center Halloween Party. The ABCD North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center (NE/WE NSC) Annual Halloween Party will feature lunch and treats, but no tricks! Stop by place at 1 Michelangelo Street for the party and see additional details here.

Notable News:

Fest of Italian books and culture; fiction and old photos

I AM Books in the North End has organized a two-day festival taking place for the first time November 2nd and 3rd in Cambridge – celebrating Italian books and culture, read more on the Boston Globe.

Fish, Fun and Fright:

Plan your events with the Community Calendar:

Saturday, October 27

10:30AM I Piccoli Lettori. Join I AM Books at 189 North Street for a Halloween themed Italian reading group for children ages 0-4.

12:00PM Pet Parade and Costume Contest. Faneuil Hall Marketplace will host the sixth annual Halloween Pet Parade and Costume Contest where pet owners are invited to dress their pets in Halloween costumes and parade around Faneuil Hall Marketplace, see additional details here.

6:00PM Literary Reading and Open Mic – Italian American Writers Association. Join I AM Books at 189 North Street for the Italian American Writer’s Association’s presentation of a literary reading and open pic night.

Sunday, October 28

1:00PM North End Halloween Party & Parade. The 67th North End Halloween Party and Parade will be held on Sunday, October 28th, starting at 1pm at Hanover & Battery Streets, see additional details here.

3:30PM West End Community Center Halloween Event. Join the West End Community Center for theior Annual Halloween Event – Bring the kids in costume! Eric Benton Magic will start at 3:30pm. There will also be light refreshments and a treat for the kids!

6:00PM Old North Organ Concert October 28. In honor of twenty years as Organist and Music Director at Old North Church, Dr. Libor Dudas will perform a concert, see additional details here.


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