Featured Kids & Families Sports

St. Leonard’s North End Knights Basketball New Season Updates

The North End Saint Leonard’s Knights were undefeated 15-0 last year.

It’s once again time for our St. Leonard’s North End Knights basketball season!

Registration will open in early to mid October. Here are some important details to note:

  • Practices: November with days and times TBD
  • Season Start Date: Week of December 1 (Scheduled expected to be released in the middle of November).
  • Boys and Girls Divisions*:
    • 3rd and 4th Grade: under 11 and greater than 7 as of 12/31/2018, and not completed 4th grade.
    • 5th and 6th Grade: under 13 and greater than 9 as of 12/31/2018, and not completed 6th grade.
    • 7th and 8th Grade: under 15 and greater than 10 as of 12/31/2018, and not completed 8th grade.
    • 18 and under.

*Team formation dictated by whether we can fill a roster.

As Steven Siciliano is transitioning to the role of Nazzaro Center Director, John Pregmon will be working closely with him as Athletic Director for the upcoming Boston Catholic Athletics (formerly Catholic Youth Organization) Knights season. We’re in the process of securing coaches, gathering information, and solidifying changes to the season, as we have a newly appointed Archdiocesan AD, John DeAngelo.

Please spread the word to your neighbors, friends, and anyone interested in participating. Contact John Pregmon with any questions.

One Reply to “St. Leonard’s North End Knights Basketball New Season Updates

  1. Thank you for sharing this information. You may contact us directly at NorthEndKnightsBasketball[@]gmail.com with any questions and/or concerns. Stay tuned for more updates!


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