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Boston Community Collaborative’s Sixth Annual FUNraiser

A great time was had by all who attended Boston Community Collaborative (BCC)’s sixth annual Halloween costume party FUNraiser!

This year’s party was Friday, October 26 at Filippo Ristorante, sponsored by BCC. Many guests contributed generously to help cover costs. Everyone in attendance was treated to a lovely dinner, great company and a great live band, Hula-la featuring Tom Poitras of The Toe Jam Puppet Band.

Costume judging was performed by an anonymous guest among us and trophies were awarded as follows:

  • Best North End Theme: Micheala and Emilia – North End ladies
  • Prettiest: Maryann – The Ice Queen
  • Funniest: Tim – A Penguin
  • Best Couple/Group: Tracy, Rose, Stef, Amy, Ruth, Melinda – The Spice Girls
  • Scariest: Rosemary – Scary child
  • Most Creative: John – Multiple Personalities/Identity Theft

Congratulations to all the winners of the costume categories! Save the date for next year’s party: October 25, 2019.