After a series of public meetings last fall, the restoration of the Prado / Paul Revere Mall will kick off with a groundbreaking ceremony on Wednesday, July 25 at 9:30 a.m.
The Prado will be getting a complete overhaul with key improvements including an underground drainage system, better lighting and increased accessibility. Historic features will be repaired and the design will remain the same. $2.8 million has been allocated for this project in the Mayor’s FY19 capital budget.
Is there something wrong with the City of Boston. Why would they break ground in the Prado the week before the feasts begin on that end of Hanover St. Don’t they realize that St. Joseph, Madonna Della Cava and St. Agrippina Society have their festivals and processions beginning in August. Couldn’t they wait until September.
Good point,they have waited decades to overhaul I still call it the Parado,. WHAT DIFFERENCE WOULD IT HAVE MADE TO WAIT A FEW WEEKS MORE?
When does the city ever do anything right they use their heads as hat racks. Paint the cross walks; fix the traffic lights on Hanover and cross street and worry about the Prado after September instead of all this construction so we can enjoy the feast. The North End is a mess.