Police & Fire

Police Blotter: Homeless at Commercial Street Pool and Attempted Breaking & Entering

The following are recent incidents reported by Boston Police District A-1 for the North End / Waterfront area.

Breaking & Entering / Commercial
05/20/18    9:40am
Police Officers responded to a Commercial Street pool for a removal of homeless people on the property. Officers met with the caller who stated she found the lock to the gate was cut and tape placed over the lock magnetism to prevent it from locking when it closed. Homeless identified and removed, check of property nothing appeared to missing. Individuals on scene had no knowledge of a problem with the gate.

Attempted Breaking & Entering / Residential
05/24/18    1:26pm
Victim reports she was at home on Salem Street when two male suspects forced open the door to her apartment. The victim recognized one of the suspects as a friend of her roommate. Suspects fled on foot. Suspect was arrested at his place of work for breaking and entering residential (daytime).

One Reply to “Police Blotter: Homeless at Commercial Street Pool and Attempted Breaking & Entering

  1. Very fortunate that this woman was not injured in this incident. Very brazen crime particularly at 1:26 PM. Scary!

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