Community Meetings

Residents Association Neighborhood Reports and Updates [Video]

North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA) executives and committees gave a series of reports at their April 12, 2108 meeting. A summary and video timeline are shown here so you can follow along or jump to areas of interest.

(00:00) Welcome and introductions – NEWRA President Mary McGee

(02:00) President’s Report – Mary McGee

Announcing NEWRA’s newly revamped website at

(02:30) Parks and Open Spaces Committee – Robyn Reed

Greenway Conservancy Exec. Dir. Jesse Brackenbury’s presentation on the proposed Greenway Business Improvement District (BID) will be rescheduled for an upcoming NEWRA meeting. The Wharf District Council is hosting Mr. Brackenbury on April 17th, 5pm at the Leventhal Center, Rowes Wharf.

FOCCP welcoming new horticulture volunteers – See

Tot Lot Cleanup at Christopher Columbus Park on May 5th, 12noon-2pm

(04:00) North End Dog Group (RUFF) holding a Spring opening at the Gassy Dog Park. Come by on April 28th, 10am.

(07:00) Zoning, Licensing & Construction Committee – Victor Brogna

Going Bananas Market – Zoning variance (conditional use) required for beer/wine license request – waiting for refusal letter from Inspectional Services.

38 Fleet St. – 2 story addition heard at the March ZLC meeting, upcoming at May NEWRA meeting

445 Hanover St. – Jennifer Royle, looking for a event permit in basement, upcoming at next ZLC Committee meeting

6 Hull St. – Change of occupancy from 4 to 5 residential units.

97 Salem St. – Erect 5 story building, currently 1 story. Location is next to Antico Forno where Boston Common Coffee used to operate.

Next NEWRA ZLC Committee meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 24, 7pm, Mariner’s House, 11 North Square, 2nd floor.

(10:00) Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services – Maria Lanza

Mayor Walsh has proposed city budget, including several neighborhood projects . See this post for more information: Proposed Capital Investments for the North End / Waterfront Include the Prado, Eliot School, North Square, Long Wharf & Design for New North End Community Center.

May 5th – Love Your Block – Neighborhood Cleanup (formerly Boston Shines)
9am – Prado / Paul Revere Mall – Register at

MassDOT meeting on reconstruction of N. Washington St. Bridge – April 19, 6pm, Nazzaro Center

See the Community Calendar for the latest meeting and event updates!

One Reply to “Residents Association Neighborhood Reports and Updates [Video]

  1. I’m hoping all of the people screaming about AirBnB show up at these meetings and speak against all of the these additional floors and units being built because that’s what these extra units will be used for in all likelihood.

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