Real Estate

Report Issued by NEWRA’s Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee

At this week’s meeting of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association, the following report was issued by the Zoning, Licensing & Construction Committee, co-chaired by David Kubiak and Victor Brogna. The report contains a tentative agenda for the next ZLC meeting on December 29th, a review of NEWRA ZLC efforts and decisions in 2010 plus an outlook into 2011.

Zoning, Licensing and Construction Committee Report
December 9, 2010

The next ZLC Committee meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 29, 2010, at the Pilot House, beginning at 7:00 PM.  The Executive Committee will hold its meeting the same night, immediately after the ZLC meeting.

Tentative Agenda for Next ZLC Meeting (Dec. 29)

99 Salem Street, Mercato del Mare, Liz Ventura and Keri Cassidy seek Board of Appeal approval to change the use of the building’s basement level from retail food market to retail food market with take-out.

234 Hanover Street, Matteo Gallo proposes to expand the building at 234 Hanover Street by adding two floors to the existing four-story building, demolishing an existing one-story structure at the rear and erecting a six-story structure in its place.  Occupancy change from 6-family dwelling and store to a mixed use with commercial space and 22 residential units.  Proposed height of new addition is 65 feet.  Project also includes 24 underground parking spaces.  This project is undergoing BRA Article 80 Small Project Review, and the BRA plans to hold a community meeting (not yet scheduled).

227-237 Hanover Street, Tresca Restaurant, Tresca Restaurant Group, LLC has applied to the Licensing Board for the City of Boston to extend the hours of operation in the existing C.V. All-Alcohol Beverage License from midnight, 7 days, to 1:00 AM, 7 days.  The existing alcohol license is one of 45 new licenses made available to the City of Boston by act of the State Legislature signed by the Governor in December 2006.

Application Updates

34 Commercial Wharf, Henia Marecki’s filed an appeal for a variance to the Boston Zoning Code to change the occupancy of her first floor commercial unit at Commercial Wharf by partitioning the existing Henia Beauty Salon/Day Spa to create a residential unit in the rear for use by the salon owner.  At the Board of Appeal hearing on December 7, 2010, the Board deferred the application to March 2011 to allow the applicant to resolve restrictions related to Chapter 91 Tidelands restrictions.

ZLC Reviews and NEWRA Decisions in 2010 – Business Applications

In 2010, the ZLC Committee reviewed 12 applications from neighborhood businesses.  NEWRA voted to support 9 applications and oppose 2 applications (Boston Gliders C.V. license and Bricco expansion.  One application was withdrawn before a vote (Henia Salon conversion).

ZLC Reviews and NEWRA Decisions in 2010 – Residential Applications

In 2010, the ZLC Committee reviewed 4 applications from residential building owners.  NEWRA voted to support 3 applications.  One application was withdrawn before a vote (50 Snow Hill Street penthouse).

Other ZLC Efforts in 2010

  • Tracked the progress (or lack of progress) of large development projects, including Harbor Garage Redevelopment, the Government Center Garage Redevelopment, and the Bulfinch Triangle Supermarket parcel.
  • Participated in the public process to draft development and use guidelines for Central Artery Parcel 9 (signed joint letter with other community organizations).  Currently participating in the public process to draft development and use guidelines for Parcel 9 and Parcel 7.
  • Participated in the community’s efforts to remove hazardous cargo trucks from Commercial and Cross/North Washington streets.  (ongoing)
  • Prepared NEWRA comments and coordinated with City officials on the ultimately successful removal of cars and trucks from the Cross Street sidewalk plaza.
  • Attended public meetings and prepared NEWRA comments on the BRA’s Greenway District Planning Study and Development and Use Guidelines, which led to BRA lowering the proposed height of development at Parcel 1 (lot at corner of Cross and Fulton streets) to the 55-foot height limit.
  • Recommended amendments to NEWRA’s Alcohol License Policy and Neighbor Notification Policy, approved by members in July.
  • Coordinated with community groups in other Boston neighborhoods on issues of mutual interest. (ongoing)
  • Maintained interaction with Licensing Board and City officials on matters of importance to the community.  (ongoing)
  • Attended many Licensing Board, Board of Appeal, and City Council hearings.

A Look Ahead to ZLC Committee Efforts in 2011

  • Governor’s appointment of a new chair to the Licensing Board for Boston.
  • Proposed state legislation to change the alcohol licensing program at Logan Airport, which may allow 13 existing alcohol licenses (some or all are All-Alcohol licenses) to be sold into Boston neighborhoods.
  • Parcels 7 and 9 redevelopment.
  • Harbor Garage, Government Center and Bulfinch Triangle developments.
  • The improving economy (??), which could stimulate business changes and building projects in our neighborhood.
  • Open forums with participation by NEWRA members and other residents regarding zoning, licensing and construction issues and NEWRA policies.Notification Policy, approved by members in July.

More information on NEWRA’s ZLC Committee can be found at The committee can be contacted at