The annual election for North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) is coming up on May 19, 2018 where six of the twelve seats will be decided.
May 7th is the deadline to submit your papers, available at the Nazzaro Center (30 N. Bennet Street) front desk and on the NEWNC Facebook page.
Are you a resident of the North End who wants to serve on the Council?
Interested candidates need to be a resident of the North End (Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Ward 3). To become an eligible candidate, you must pick up a nomination form available at the Nazzaro Center (30 N. Bennet Street) and on the NEWNC Facebook page, and obtain 40 valid signatures of North End residents, age 18 or older. Candidates are encouraged to gather more than 40, since any non-qualifying signatures will not count.
Completed forms are due no later than 6 p.m. on Monday, May 7th.
Candidates Night will be May 14 at the regularly scheduled NEWNC meeting. The NEWNC election will take place on Saturday, May 19, 2018, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street.
Who can vote?
Any resident of the North End/Waterfront community at least 18 years old can vote—you do NOT need to be a registered voter in Massachusetts in order to vote. A North End resident (Precincts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of Ward 3) is anyone who appears on the City of Boston’s most recent census list, or anyone who does not appear on the most recent census list, but can produce adequate proof of residency. At a minimum, individuals who do not appear on the most recent census must produce at least one form of identification with a photograph, address within the North End/Waterfront community, and date of birth (unless age is not a question). Election officers at the polling location shall decide the sufficiency of the proof of residency.
You may vote for up to six candidates. The six candidates with the most votes will be elected for a two-year term and join the other current six members that have one year left remaining in their term.
The Council members ending the second year of their term are John Pregmon (President), Marie Simboli, Brett Roman (Secretary), and Gennaro Riccio (Sergeant at Arms). Danielle D’Ambrosio and Michael Bonetti both resigned their seats earlier this year.
What is NEWNC?
The North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) was created in 1984 by the City of Boston Mayor’s Office in an effort to increase communication between the neighborhoods and City departments and agencies. The NEWNC is comprised of twelve elected North End/Waterfront residents who serve as an advisory board to the City of Boston in municipal affairs. The NEWNC advises the City on issues affecting the quality of life in the North End/Waterfront area including, but not limited to, land use, development, clean streets, resident parking, public safety, residential and commercial expansion, and food and beverage licensing.
The NEWNC meets on the 2nd Monday of each month (excluding August) at 7:00 p.m. at the Nazzaro Center. All meetings are open to the general public.