The 10th annual reunion of the Friends of the North End South was held on Saturday, March 3rd in Boynton Beach, FL at Mama Mia’s Restaurant. Fifty-one North Enders and friends convened to celebrate a tradition that Camille and Louie Gilardi started 10 years ago.
Special thanks to Gus Pesaturo, his wife, Diane and Ron Fuccillo for their assistance in helping to make the 10th reunion such a success. Among the guests were seven West End friends: Lucille Giganti, Ray Capobianco, Jim Smith, Diane La Rosa Palermo, Camille La Rosa De Luca, Marie Guarino Testa and Charlie La Rosa, who was the quickest to answer this year’s trivia question:
What was the name of the grocery store and sandwich shop on Fleet Street when most of us septuagenarians were growing up in the 50s and 60s?
Charlie, the West Ender, correctly answered “Iacapucci’s”, thus compounding the ignominy of all the North Enders present given that last year’s trivia question winner was yet another West Ender, Marie Testa!
Old neighborhood friends reminiscing created a heartwarming ambiance. The thought of replicating this reunion in 2019 will be fondly anticipated.
I’m from the North End and live in Delray Beach..Born and raised next door to St. Leonard’s Church.Retired from the City of Boston, Parks Dept,…Waterfront Park..My sister Helen lived on Charter St. worked at Burden’s Drugs..married Rico Paternese…My brother Tony Cella worked the waterfront all his life..there is a memorial for him in the park …Would love to join your Fl. reunion next year..Had a brother Ralph,sisters Connie Cieri and Florence Florio..Anything sound familiar? My mothers name was Carmela (D’Onfrio) Cella
Mario, not sure what era you lived in the NE? I lived on Prince street across from what was then the Paul Revere school.BTW I’ve heard there is a great pizza place on Delray Beach?