Kids & Families

North End Junior Troop 72158 Needs Your Support

Girl Scout Troop 72158 has expanded.  This year, we welcomed 8 new members to our group for a total of 13 smart, creative and inclusive girls.  The troop has chosen which badges they would like to earn. They have completed the requirements for the first badge and will soon finish the steps for their second.

In the fall, they earned their Drawing Badge by learning about different art mediums, graphic design, and drawing a still life.  Our guest artist, Mrs. Josephine Lepore, a published illustrator and art teacher at the Nazzaro Center, taught the girls about shading and perspective.

The girls are currently working on their Business Owner Badge.  They have learned about goods and services and have written a business plan.  Our guest speaker, Alison Barnard O’Brien, owner of  In-jean-ius on Hanover St., talked to the girls about how she got started and what it takes to run a successful business.  She answered dozens of questions from each girl wanting to learn more about small business ownership.  They are all ready to launch their own businesses.

On Monday, February 12th, you can help them with the final requirement.  The troop will need to practice their customer service skills.  We will be selling GIRL SCOUT COOKIES at the corner of Hanover & Cross Streets from 4:15-6:00pm.  They are $5.00 per box.   We accept cash and Venmo.  Come by to show your support!

One Reply to “North End Junior Troop 72158 Needs Your Support

  1. Hi Jodianne, What is this Girl Scout group striving to achieve with this cookie sale? Is there a total dollar goal? Are they trying to purchase supplies? What is the purpose?

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