Community People

North End Friends of St. Francis House Glove Drive

The North End Friends of St. Francis House, along with North End Against Drugs and Greenway Realty Group, are collecting brand new gloves and hats for the homeless shelter. This year our goal is 500 pairs of gloves, and we’ve already collected over 120 pairs!

To make a donation:

Drop by the Greenway Realty office at 155 Endicott Street anytime between now and December 13th, 9am – 5pm, Monday – Saturday. They will gladly accept your donation, whether it be 1 pair, 1 hat or more, every one counts!

You may also drop off new hats and gloves at the North End Nursing Home on Fulton Street in the front lobby. Thanks to Marquis Health Services, who will also be partnering with us this year on this event.

Stop by our one-day event on December 13th for hot cocoa and cookies! See flyer below.

If you have any questions or want to donate money for us to purchase the gloves, contact us at (617) 750-9749.