
North End Community Center Study Survey

Welcome to A Day in the Life of the North End, a tool for telling the city how the community center fits into your life, and how a new or renovated building could better meet the community’s needs. This survey consists of two parts: an interactive map for weekdays and weekends, and a short text-based survey.

What is A Day in the Life of the North End?
This survey seeks to engage the public in the study of possibilities for the Nazzaro Center by sharing your personal experiences. A Day in the Life is a tool that takes your experience of the neighborhood − your daily routine, how you get around, how you would like to use community facilities and programs − and uses them to discover what works and what does not work.

How will my data be used?
Your responses to the survey are anonymous, and analysis of the data will maintain your privacy. Data will be compiled so that no individual user’s information can be singled out.

How does it work?
The survey includes two parts: Part 1, an interactive mapping survey; and Part 2, a text survey. The entire survey should take approximately less than 15 minutes to complete.

Take the surveyhttp://mycampus.sasaki. com/northend/index.html