Event Notices

Guster Replaces Miguel for NFL Kickoff Concert Thursday at Columbus Park Celebration

Update: The NFL announced late Wednesday night that the Boston rock band Guster will perform at the NFL Kickoff concert, taking the place of Miguel, who the NFL said was unable to perform due to an illness. The NFL also announced that former Patriots stars Rodney Harrison and Willie McGinest will be part of the celebration that begins at noon. Gates to the venue will open at 10:30 a.m. and access is on a first-come, first-served basis. Fans should enter the concert site at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Richmond Street. No tickets are required.

On Thursday, September 7, football is back! Celebrate 2017 NFL Kickoff and the Patriots’ Super Bowl LI Championship with a special celebration.

Miguel will (not) perform at Christopher Columbus Park on Thursday for NFL Kickoff. (Twitter photo)

The concert will begin at 12PM on Thursday, September 7 at Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park in Boston’s North End. Before the concert at 11AM, there will be a special screening of “America’s Game,” celebrating the Patriots’ Super Bowl LI winning season.

The event precedes Thursday night’s season opener between the Kansas City Chiefs and the New England Patriots at Gillette Stadium with kickoff time set for 8:30 p.m. ET. Attendees will have the chance to win tickets to the kickoff game later that night by registering on the NFL’s Website and checking in at the concert.

The concert is free and open to the public rain or shine. Access to the general public viewing areas is limited and first-come, first-served. Fans do not need tickets to attend the free concert.

For a chance to win tickets to 2017 NFL Kickoff, register now for Fan Mobile Pass and check in at the concert. Visit NFL.com/Kickoff for more information.

ENTRY: Fans may enter the concert site at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Richmond Street or Atlantic Avenue near Tia’s Restaurant and may watch the performances from Christopher Columbus Park. The entrances will open to the public beginning at 10:30AM on Thursday, September 7, and the concert will begin at 12PM.

POST-CONCERT: Following the concert, fans are encouraged to watch the Patriots-Chiefs game at local Boston establishments which starts at 8:30 pm. The game will not be broadcast from the concert site at the conclusion of the event.

4 Replies to “Guster Replaces Miguel for NFL Kickoff Concert Thursday at Columbus Park Celebration

    To ensure public safety and security, the following items are prohibited. This list is intended as a guide and should not be considered all-inclusive.

    ° Alcohol
    ° Any vehicle except a wheelchair, baby carriage or other like vehicle
    ° Banners (any object that obstructs the view of another)
    ° Drones
    ° Fireworks
    ° Golf Clubs and Golf Balls
    ° Illegal substances
    ° Laser Lights and Pointers
    ° Mace/Pepper Spray
    ° Noisemakers and Horns
    ° Poles, Sticks, Missile like objects of any kind
    ° Smoking of any kind
    ° Weapons, Knives, Firearms and Explosives

    Fans will be expected to follow the rules and regulations of Boston Parks and Recreation, which include but are not limited to the below items. Fans may not:

    ° Go under any balustrade, railing or fence
    ° Sit, stand, lie, or climb upon any balustrade, railing, fence, wall, roof, statue, monument, fountain, bush, tree, flower bed, cultivated area or lawn areas in the Public Garden except areas designated as sitting areas
    ° Dig up, cut, break, remove, deface, defile, or take any tree, bush, plant, turf, rock, gravel, building, structure, fence, railing, sign or any item connected with such park or place
    ° Disturb any bird’s nest or eggs
    ° Injure or have possession of any wild animal or bird
    ° Set any trap or snare
    ° Drop or place a lighted match, cigarette, cigar or other burning substance

      1. Only the City can do that, for the rats in the rose garden. 😢 Hahahaha …. This list seems like they’ve got it all covered, right? 👍

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