Featured Police & Fire

North End Crime Incidents: Richmond Street Car Crash, Glock Road Rage and Restaurant Rub

Motor Vehicle Accident / O.U.I.
06/10/17        10:00pm

Police officers responded to a car accident, hit and run with property damage at North St. and Richmond St. Suspect operating a black Ford pickup truck went through the intersection without stopping then struck vehicles parked on Richmond St. At this time, the male suspect backed his truck up and attempted to flee in the vehicle across Hanover St. onto Parmenter St. where he was stopped and tackled by bystanders as he fled on foot. Suspect charged with Operating under the Influence (alcohol), disturbing the peace, Operating Reckless and dangerously and leaving the scene of an accident.

Aggravated Assault
06/03/17   12:53pm
Male and female victims report that they got into an argument with the male operator of a VW Passat (gold) on Salem St. that led onto Stillman Street. The victims said the vehicle had an Uber sticker on the window. They further stated the suspect pulled out what appeared to be a black Glock handgun and drove away. Officers responded and checked the area to no avail.

Assault & Battery
05/29/17        11:32pm
Female victim and husband report an assault in a Prince St. restaurant. Victim reports she was sitting on a bar stool with husband next to her in the restaurant when an unknown male suspect sat next to her and began rubbing her leg without consent. Victim’s husband moved his seat to be between victim and suspect; at this time the suspect made an obscene gesture which was observed by the bartender. Suspect was given his bill, he paid in cash and left the building. Management to supply video footage for a follow up.

One Reply to “North End Crime Incidents: Richmond Street Car Crash, Glock Road Rage and Restaurant Rub

  1. The Richmond St. crash on Saturday was awful and I can’t believe it didn’t get more coverage. There could have easily been multiple people killed by the initial crash and the driver’s attempt to escape — it was a miracle that nobody was hurt. I was feet away, inside of a packed Vinoteca di Monica, where there was a brief panic of people running, screaming, not knowing whether this truck that was slamming its way through the street was trying to do harm. Also, very little police presence at the crash site, which is concerning since it could have been an attack. So glad to hear that the driver was detained — thank you to all that bravely chased him!

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