Arts & Culture Community

New Art Projects in Christopher Columbus Park

The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park has a new mission – to bring more art to the park.

The first art project, “Poems in the Park” was installed on May 19.   A container full of printed poems, hung on one of the light posts near the trellis, and a marked off area to stand a read the poems has attracted a number of people who happily participated in the activity of reading poems.  There are a wide variety of poems available for people to take and read in the designated area, or they are invited to bring poems of their own to read

The second art project “Hop” which is an abstract colorful set of shapes made of duct tape on the sidewalk designed to invoke a hopscotch game started installation on May 31 on the walkway of Richmond Street near the purple allium flower beds and there was immediate and joyful participation by many people.  The second design was installed on June 10 on the sidewalk near the fountain, and the plan is to install at least one more similar design in another area of the park.

The third art project tentatively entitled “Off to Henderson Island” which will consist of hundreds of water bottles collected from residents and businesses in the North End and Waterfront  will be painted to look like fish and hung along the sides of the trellis is being constructed now.  Collection of water bottles continues, and volunteers are helping paint.   Students at the Nazzaro Center had a day of painting bottles and everyone enjoyed participating in making the fish.   Installation time will be based on when enough bottles have been collected and painted, currently scheduled for the end of July.

More projects will be rolled out throughout the year.  Any questions about these projects, or if you would like to volunteer to help paint or hang the water bottle sculpture, please contact Robyn at

The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park (FOCCP) is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization made up of North End and Waterfront neighbors and businesses working together for Christopher Columbus Park. The FOCCP works closely with the City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department to keep the park clean and well maintained.