Daily Briefs

Monday’s Brief: Sail Boston Crew Parade, Greenway’s Shadow Funding, North Station Mobility Plan Meeting

Things to know for Monday!

Events for Monday, June 19th:

Tall Ships in Boston through June 22, 2017. This exciting event comprised of over 50 majestic ships from around the world in Boston with nautical festivities including re-enactments, musical performances, ceremonies and daily free public boarding of the ships. Visit SAIL BOSTON for more information.

10:30am Story Time with the Boston Ballet at West End Library. Children ages 2+ and their caregivers, join us once a month to hear stories about a famous ballet or a dancer. Each story time is supplemented with a movement experience that highlights major themes of the story. All story times are led by Boston Ballet faculty dance educators.

12:00pm Sail Boston Crew Parade at Seaport District and Downtown Crossing. Approximately 1,500 parade participants are expected, including marching bands, as well as cadets from the visiting ships. The parade will step off from Seaport Boulevard and end at the intersection of Washington and Summer streets in Downtown Crossing. The parade will begin at the Blue Hill Bank Pavilion on Northern Avenue Proceed down Seaport Boulevard crossing the Moakley Bridge, turn left onto High Street, right onto Summer Street.

6:00pm North Station Area Mobility Action Plan Meeting at West End Museum. This will be a public information meeting to receive focused public commentary on the draft final report for the North Station Area Mobility Action Plan (NSAMAP). All are welcome, located at 150 Staniford Street.

Neighborhood Photo: Tall Ship Spectacle!

Photo by Bob Somerville.

Notable news found elsewhere:

Editorial: Green for the Greenway

While changing the state “shadow law” to allow for the redevelopment project in Winthrop Square would set aside a $5 million trust to help fund Greenway operations, that still doesn’t solve the issue of the Conservancy’s sketchy fiscal situation, or how much the state might be expected to pay in future years. Read in full at the Boston Herald.

Plan your events with the Community Calendar

Wednesday, June 21

5:00pm Tea & Tranquility at Bostonian Hotel Boston. The Bostonian Hotel and MEM Tea Imports are hosting Tea & Tranquility, a monthly series held on the third Wednesday of each month June – August. [Located at 26 North Street].

5:30pm Croquet on the West Lawn of Christopher Columbus Park. Wednesdays, June 7 – August 30th (except July 5th) there will be Croquet on the West Lawn of Christopher Columbus Park. Free and open to all, sponsored by Jack McCarthy.

6:00pm Ward 3 Democrats Candidates Night for Boston City Council. All candidates running for City Council in District One, District Two, and City-wide will be invited to speak and answer questions from residents. After the candidate presentations members of the Ward committee will hold a vote on whether to endorse any of the candidates. The Candidate’s Night is open to the public. Located at the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 N Bennet Street.

6:00pm Eat Like a Sailor | Dine Like a Captain. Located at Old North Church, 193 Salem St, Boston – Eat Like a Sailor | Dine Like a Captain. Join Old North and The Fireplace for a culinary adventure you’ll not soon forget! View the event posting.

6:30pm Next Level Fitness Bootcamp. Located at Hanover Street and Cross Street, get fit and stay healthy every week during the summer with Next Level Fitness, visit www.nlfhealth.com for more information.

6:30pm De-Clutter with Cheryl Russo at North End Library. Are you drowning in STUFF? Then it’s time for some spring cleaning! Learn how to de-clutter, de-stress, and embrace more space with Professional Organizer Cheryl Russo, who will give you valuable tools and tips to clear away both physical and mental clutter. No registration required. Located at the North End Branch Library, 25 Parmenter Street, more information.

From the Community: 

Need to submit a post? Great, start here!

Summer Solstice Sound Healing June 21. NYC newest big wave has been long practiced at Laughing Buddha Boston, the Swiss Healing Center. Please join us for this MARVELOUS 90-minute Sound Healing Experience with Joe Hayes of SoundScapers and immerse into deep relaxation with the harmonious sounds of chant, the didgeridoo, Native American trance drumming/rattling, and over a dozen signing bowls, the Gong and the Shruti box, more information.

Keep up with what’s happening on the Events Calendar.

Weather Forecast:

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