
ABCD North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center Memorial Day Party

The ABCD North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center (NE/WE NSC) held its Memorial Day party at the end of May. The center was filled to capacity with seniors to commemorate the holiday. Elvis music played in the background with staff, volunteers, and seniors alike humming and singing the “oldies.”

Maria Stella Gulla, Director, gave the crowd a rousing speech about the hardships that our service women and men both past and present have faced, many with the ultimate sacrifice of all their lives. She acknowledged the veterans in the crowd and thanked them for the freedom and safety that we all enjoy.

In her talk about patriotism and freedom, she highlighted:

  • “A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers and woods, it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.” — George William Curtis
  • “Anyone who has ever looked into the glazed eyes of a soldier dying on the battlefield will think hard before starting a war.” — Otto von Bismarck
  • “The patriot volunteer, fighting for country and his rights, makes the most reliable soldier on earth.” — Stonewall Jackson

After lunch, the best surprise of all arrived – a delicious cake in honor of Rosemary, who was celebrating her 90th birthday. Her friends brought the cake and graciously shared it with all guests.

Barbara Maldero organized the generous donation of nearly 30 panettone cakes from J. Pace and Son that the center raffled off to the seniors. Nearly every guest went home with one to enjoy with their families and friends.

Maria Stella Gulla Director Presents Cake and Leads Crowd in Happy Birthday
Birthday Girl and Maria Stella Gulla, Director

The NE/WE NSC hosts monthly events and celebrations. Please call 617-523-8125 to reserve your spot for future luncheons, which the NE/WE NSC will advertise in advance. New clients must sign up to obtain free membership with ABCD. If you would like to volunteer with ABCD NE/WE NSC, consider one of the following opportunities:

1.  Food Pantry Volunteer – The NE/WE NSC is seeking volunteers to assist for North End and West End pantries with organizing and categorizing food; conducting inventory; referring clients to staff for further assistance; and delivering food to shut-ins as needed. Hours needed would be Mondays and Wednesdays 11:30AM-1:30PM and Tuesdays 4:00PM-5:45PM.

2.  Hot Meal Program Volunteer – We are looking for three volunteers to help with shopping, food preparation, cooking, serving, and clean-up for weekly Monday and Friday hot meals in the North End and monthly Wednesday meals in the West End. Hours needed would be those days for 3-4 hours each shift.

3.  Mandarin Speaking Volunteer – The NE/WE NSC is seeking Mandarin speaking volunteers to assist with translation and interpretation. Hours needed would be Mondays and Wednesdays 11:30AM-1:30PM and Tuesdays 4:00PM-5:45PM.

4.  Arts and Crafts Volunteer – The arts and crafts volunteer would offer a one-hour weekday class, ideally on Wednesday morning from 10:00AM-11:00AM, for seniors. The ideal person is artistic and has a love of crafts, with plenty of ideas for projects. The center will supply materials.

Please contact 617-523-8125, Ext. 201, and ask for Maria Stella Gulla, Director, who is also available via