Thank you Whole Foods! ABCD North End/West End Neighborhood Service Center (NE/WE NSC) thanks Whole Foods Market on Cambridge Street for heading up the outstanding “Wish-List” fundraiser on August 29th to increase supplies in the ABCD West End Emergency Food Pantry located in the Boston Public Library at 151 Cambridge Street. ABCD NE/WE NSC (West End Senior Center) staff and volunteers handed out “Wish-Lists” to customers! Customers donated more than eight brimming bags of food in less than two hours and Whole Foods Market matched that with a $600 in food items donation. So over $1,000 worth of nutritious food items will now combat hunger for Boston seniors and others in need in the West End. The food drive ran from 11AM-1PM and volunteers helped with the food drive as well as delivering the food to the food pantry, where it is already being given out. A great day by every measure!
The NE/WE NSC is seeing an increased demand for our services in both the North End and West End. However, what is shocking is the number of working adults who are unemployed or underemployed and struggling to feed themselves and their families, as well as disabled folks and veterans of the Armed Forces, which is still the case despite the start of the economic recovery. In addition to running the West End Food Pantry, for which the Food Drive was for, the North End/West End NSC also runs a food pantry out of the North End.
Also, the NE/WE NSC offers a breakfast program at our North End site for the working adults enrolled in their English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes. Many work in the North End in the service industry and do not have enough money once their rent is paid for food. Those clients in addition receiving a healthful breakfast (cereal, cocoa, fruit) also use the food pantry.
All proceeds to benefit the ABCD West End Emergency Food Pantry.
About ABCD:
ABCD serves more than 85,000 low-income Boston-area residents through its central offices and a decentralized network of Neighborhood Service Centers (NSCs), Head Start centers, Family Planning sites and Foster Grandparent sites. Programs and affiliations include Fuel Assistance; Head Start; Child Care Services; Child Care Choices of Boston; Education; Career Development; Housing and Homelessness Services; Health Services; Family Planning; Urban College of Boston; University High – an Alternative High School; Ostiguy High School for high school students in recovery; Weatherization; Foster Grandparents; Elder Services; Intergenerational Programs; management of the Combined Federal Campaign, Commonwealth of Massachusetts and City of Boston employee giving campaigns; advocacy and consumer services.
congratulations ladies!! Miss you all !!! XOXO