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Tot Lot Cleanup and Celebration Gets Christopher Columbus Park Ready for the Season [Photos]

Threatening storm clouds didn’t stop the Friends of Christopher Columbus Park from holding its Annual Tot Lot Celebration on Saturday, May 6.  The annual event celebrates the Friends cleaning up the playground area, adding new sand to the sandbox and buying new sand toys. Moms and Dads braved the off-and-on drizzles so their little ones could play in the sandbox, climb Boston Fire Station Engine #8 and enjoy great pizza compliments of Benevento’s on Salem St.  Most of the families were from the North End and Waterfront but one family lives in the Seaport area, another drove down from Newburyport to join friends and another took the boat from East Boston because “Columbus Park’s playground is the only one around with a sandbox.”

FOCCP thanks Benevento’s, KinderCare and Joe’s American Bar & Grill for sponsoring this fun event.  FOCCP’s next family-fun day is Independence Day Celebration on July 1.  All events free and open to the public.
Photo credit: Joanne Hayes-Rines