
Friends of the North End Enjoy 44th Annual Reunion


On Saturday, the 24th of September, the Friends of the North End gathered at the Sons of Italy Hall in Winchester to celebrate their 44th annual reunion. 170 men were in attendance to relive a cherished boyhood and dine together.

The reunion meal was prepared by Spinelli’s Catering of East Boston. For the past 20 years, Spinelli’s has been responsible for trying to emulate our mothers’ cooking, a formidable task for any caterer, and each year they have been successful in pleasing the discerning appetites of North End men.

Special thanks go out to Sam Viscione whose time and effort in making the reunion a success is truly appreciated. Others deserving of kudos are: Arthur Lauretano, Ron Fuccillo, Vito Aluia, John Spinale, Jim Pasto and Gus Pesaturo who delivered the invocation. Ron Fuccillo also composed and read his poem “Our North End.”

Eight states and one foreign country were represented at the reunion. Attendees traveled in Massachusetts and from New Hampshire, Maine, Rhode Island, Maryland, Florida, Colorado, California and Aruba to reminisce and renew decades old friendships.

Mario Di Leo, 89 and Nicholas Vaccaro Jr., 21 were recognized as the oldest and youngest North Enders in attendance. Mario was also the winner of the Woz award which is given each year to the winner of Coppola’s Challenge. This year’s trivia question was: What was the name of the organization that supported the North End Union? The correct answer is the Benevolent Fraternity of the Unitarian Church.

As the evening drew to a close, life long Friends were seen bidding goodbye with genuine embraces and promises to meet again at the next FONE reunion in 2017.

Long Live Our North End!

Photos by Arthur A. Lauretano

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