Police & Fire

Police Blotter: Disorderly Person, Stolen Motorized Bike

PoliceBlotter (1)The following report is from this week’s District A-1 Boston Police blotter.

Larceny (Bike)

05/31/ – 06/01/16  ~  8:30pm -8:30am
Victim reports he parked his 1997 Motobacane motorized bike (orange) on Hanover Street, when he returned in the morning the bike was missing.

Drugs / Possession of Class E Substance

05/29/16  ~  8:15pm
Police Officer’s responded to a call on Endicott Street for a male acting crazy. On arrival the suspect was in the street acting irrational and arguing with pedestrians, the suspect was arrested for disorderly person and was in possession of Class E pills.