Monday through Sunday – the schedule this week is packed with events everyday, take a look!
Monday, February 22
6:00pm St. John School Fundraiser Dinner at Mamma Maria’s [Union Square]
St. John School is holding a fundraiser, to purchase tickets or give online. Tickets are $200. See the flyer for more information.
7:00pm NEWNC Meeting at Pilot House, 2 Atlantic Ave
This North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council meeting will take place at the Pilot House, view the events post.
Tuesday, February 23
9:00am West End Playgroup
Located at 1 Congress Street, drop-in to let kids play and adults chat with one another, toys are provided, just bring the kids!
7:00pm NEWRA ZLC Committee Meeting at Mariner’s House, 11 North Square, 2nd Floor
Located at 11 North Square, the NEWRA ZLC committee will be hosting their monthly meeting.
Wednesday, February 24
6:00pm West End Night Out [Antonio’s Cucina Italiano, 288 Cambridge St, Boston]
Come on out for food, some laughs, and neighborhood friends! Approx. $20. More information.
6:00pm Osher Lifelong Learning Presentation at North End Branch Library 6pm
Located at 25 Parmenter Street Boston, this free presentation will be by the Osher Lifelong Learning Program at UMass Boston. They will show a six minute DVD of the program and then be available for a Q&A.
6:00pm Parcel 11B (Fulton St. Lot) Meeting at Mariners House [11 N Square, Boston]
Local Boston architect Sy Mintz will present a preliminary concept for city-owned Parcel 11B, the Fulton Street parking lot.
6:00pm 290 North St. Abutters Meeting at Nazzaro Center [30 N Bennet St, Boston]
This abutter’s meeting will be at 290 North Street (Petitioner seeks to change the legal occupancy from a single family residential dwelling and bed & breakfast to a four (4) family residential dwelling).
6:30pm 27 Sheafe St. Abutters Meeting at Nazzaro Center [30 N Bennet St, Boston]
This abutters meeting will be at 27 Sheafe Street (Petitioner seeks to change the legal occupancy from a five (5) family residential dwelling to an eight (8) family residential dwelling. Modifications to existing head house and erect new roof deck for the exclusive use of unit #7).
7:00pm 20 Moon St. Abutters Meeting at Nazzaro Center [30 N Bennet St, Boston]
This abutters meeting will be at 20 Moon Street (Petitioner seeks to extend first floor living space into part of the basement. No change the legal occupancy).
7:30pm 2 Snelling Place Abutters Meeting at Nazzaro Center [30 N Bennet St, Boston]
This abutters meeting will be at 2 Snelling Place (Petitioner seeks to change the legal occupancy from a three (3) family residential dwelling to a two (2) family residential dwelling. Petitioner seeks to extend the first floor living space into the basement and erect a one story addition to the existing property. Building not to exceed 55 feet in height and to be fully sprinkled).
Thursday, February 25
10:30am Youth Movers & Shakers Class [West End Community Center, 1 Congress Street, Boston]
Hosted by Boston Community Collaborative at the West End Community Center Class includes music, dancing, whole body movement, and fun! For babies and toddlers with caregiver. Significant sibling discount offered, inquire if applies. RSVP by emailing centernews@west
6:00pm Eliot School Construction Meeting at Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet Street
The City of Boston and Boston Public Schools are holding a community meeting to discuss construction and logistical updates for the Eliot K-8 Innovation School. The meeting is scheduled for February 25, 2016, 6:00 p.m. at the Nazzaro Community Center, 30 N. Bennet Street. All are welcome! More information.
Friday, February 26
8:00am Bring Change Fundraiser for RUFF at TD Bank (Union St., Across from Faneuil Hall)
Lasting until 4pm, RUFF is so excited to participate in a TD Bank Bring Change event. Your role: 1) bring your change to the bank, 2) run it through the counter, 3) we get a donation in that amount. There is no obligation to donate your change since we get credit just for you exchanging it! There will be lots of fun at the bank all day and its 100% dog friendly!
Saturday, February 27
11:00am First Time Home Buyer Champagne Brunch Hosted by RE/MAX Luxury Living
Join RE/MAX Luxury Living at their new location (169 Salem St, Boston) to learn the “ins and outs” of the home buying process and the benefits of buying versus renting. Local loan officer, Bill Kelly, will be there to break down the home loan process, along with an attorney to explain the legal factors that are involved.
Sunday, February 28
2:00pm Boston Children’s Hospital Seminar at the WECC [West End Community Center, 1 Congress St, Boston]
Topic: Using brain function to guide intervention development in autism. The seminar will be run by the Boston Children’s Hospital at the West End Community Center. It will touch on social understanding and executive function in autism spectrum disorders, targeted interventions, and new approaches to measuring treatment response. for more information.
Remember, our events page is updated daily for your convenience!