North End/Waterfront Neighborhood Council
Monday, November 9, 2015, 7:00PM
Nazzaro Center, 30 North Bennet Street
1. Welcome: NEWNC President
2. Call to order & Roll Call: NEWNC President
3. Meeting Protocol: NEWNC Vice President
4. President’s Report: NEWNC President
5. Committee Reports:
a. Resident Parking/Traffic Committee: Ryan Kenny
b. Public Safety Committee: Sean Hennessy
c. Greenway Committee: John Pregmon
6. Reports from the Offices of Local Elected Officials
7. Theo’s Cozy Corner, 162 Salem Street: Petitioner seeking Wine and Malt Beverages License for their existing building, which currently has 19 seats. (pro se)
8. Alison Bonney, 536 Commercial Street: Petitioner seeking to expand an existing roof deck from 150 square feet to approximately 367 square feet. (Atty. Daniel Toscano)
9. Peet’s Coffee, 50 Salem Street: Petitioner is seeking a Common Victualler License for a new coffee shop in the location formally home to Goody Glover’s. (Atty. Dennis Quilty)
10. Announcements/Open Discussion/Comments: