Photos & Videos

Photos: Watching the Super Blood Moon

Everyone was out to enjoy a cool Autumn night watching the Harvest Moon that turned dark during the lunar eclipse called the Super Blood Moon. Here are a couple of shots neighbors sent in.

Doreen Reis used the iconic Old North Church steeple to frame her super moon views.

Cynthia Malm captures the Harvest Moon rising over Boston Harbor.

Arthur Lauretano shows the lunar eclipse starting to happen here.

The super moon captured as a starburst over the harbor (Photo: Matt Conti)

Midway during the lunar eclipse (Photo: Matt Conti)

Blood moon (Photo: Matt Conti)

5 Replies to “Photos: Watching the Super Blood Moon

  1. Great photos! My grandchildren were so excited to see the moon turn red. Wish we didn’t have to wait so long until the next one in 2033.

  2. Great Job, Matt !! I was too lazy to go out to watch it in person, but you made it possible to witness !! Thank You !!

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