North Square is one of the oldest public squares in the country. Here it is with blooming flowers facing the Freedom Trail side with the Paul Revere House, Mariner’s House and classic 5 North Square architecture.
This puzzle uses a different shape with 70 pieces!
How to play: Move and drag the pieces around just like a regular jigsaw puzzle. If you are “missing” a piece, move the other pieces aside to look behind them. Beginners can use the guides found in the lower left icons.
Post your feedback (too easy, hard, love it, hate it, etc.) and best time in the comments section below!
By the way, there is a public meeting to discuss roadway and urban design improvements to North Square on September 17, 2015, 6:30 pm at the St. John School. See the public notice.
6:29. Nice puzzle, not too complex. Thanks, Matt
Great One Matt~~~you have captured the ambiance once again !!!!! Love it !!!
It took me 11:05! But I really enjoyed it — thanks!