Photos & Videos

Neighborhood Photo: Thank You to John of Prince Postale

Here is a photo of the day that I took of John Sullivan of Prince Postale.  He helped immensely in securing and delivering something like 500 plants for Iova – parent of 2 kids at the Eliot K-8 Innovation school.  One of the 4 kindergarten classrooms made this beautiful card for John.  They got to plant some of the plants in one of many spots at the Charter St school.
Thank you John!!!!!

2 Replies to “Neighborhood Photo: Thank You to John of Prince Postale

  1. Good guy. He’ll help neighborhood people at the ‘drop of a hat’, and his Prince Postale location is a great place to stop in and say hi == especially to his cats! Bravo, John.

  2. That’s the JOHN I know – always generous w/neighborhood endeavors, helpful to all and RICHARDSON ICE CREAM CONES for the summer!! 🙂

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