Event Notices

Caffe Lil Italy Recognized as Good Neighbor

The Good Neighbor Recognition Award for this month was awarded to Caffe Lil Italy at 178 Salem Street across the street from Old North Church in Boston’s North End. The award was recently presented by Recognition Committee Chair Janet Gilardi of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA).

Owner Dana Preda and Manager Maria Moneteiro (shown above) “expertly fill the needs of both locals and tourists both graciously and expediently,” says Gilardi who also commented on the beautiful flower boxes that surround the corner of Hull Street.

The Good Neighbor monthly award is voted by NEWRA’s Executive Committee and presented to local businesses, organizations and property owners that consistently keep the areas around their property clean of trash and debris.

See previous winners of the NEWRA Clean Streets Good Neighbor Recognition Award.

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