A little bit of rain did not intimidate the scores of children last Friday who took part in the third annual egg hunt hosted by Boston Community Collaborative. This year’s hunt was generously sponsored by The Living Room and The Friends of Christopher Columbus Park.
Special thanks and recognition to the dozen-ish older kids who came early and helped to hide the eggs, as well as our State Representative Aaron Michlewitz, and Karen D’Amico and Packy Lyons from his office for their help.
Thank you to the ladies of the FOCCP for their help stuffing, hiding, sponsoring and promoting the hunt.
Thank you to The Living Room for sponsoring the event and for bringing coffee, and cookies – some gluten free ones too! Very kind and thoughtful!
Thank you to the many folks who stuffed eggs over the past couple of weeks.
Special, special, special thanks to the many kids who re-hid eggs and/or gave eggs back to be re-hidden for those who initially found few or none. I was very impressed by the kindness shown by these kids.
Happy Spring!