Event Notices

Neighborhood Council Updates Community on Parking, Public Safety & Greenway [Video]

The North End / Waterfront Neighborhood Council (NEWNC) met for a rescheduled meeting on Monday, February 23, 2015.

(0:00 in video) Welcome by President Philip Frattaroli

(0:20) Meeting protocol by Vice President John Pregmon

(1:25) Parking & Traffic Committee – Chair Ryan Kenny has reached out to the new Boston Transportation Commissioner, Gina Fiandaca, to update the council at a future meeting. He also noted a recent article in the Boston Globe regarding a review of residential parking permits. The review would look at the excess number of residential permits as compared to the limited supply of street parking spaces. As a reminder, during snow emergencies, parking is prohibited on major streets in the North End including Atlantic Ave., N. Washington St., Hanover St., Commercial St. and Cross St. More information on snow emergencies can be viewed on the city’s website. Street sweeping is still scheduled to resume on March 1st, but may be delayed if there is still snow on the streets.

(3:40) Public Safety Report – Maria Lanza (for NEWNC Public Safety Chair David Marx) – A review of the latest public safety meeting can be viewed here.

(4:20) Greenway Committee report by Chair John Pregmon – There are two community meetings scheduled this week. On Tuesday, February 24th, there will be an information session on the planned Echelman public art installation in the Wharf District Parks. (See meeting announcement.) On Wednesday, February 25th, there will be a meeting regarding improving the boxwood beds on the North End Parks, 6:30 pm at the Nazzaro Center. (See meeting announcement.)