City Councilor Sal LaMattina (District A-1; North End, Charlestown & East Boston) gave a New Year’s update on city affairs at this week’s meeting of the North End / Waterfront Residents’ Association (NEWRA).
Most of Councilor LaMattina’s update related to the impact of home-sharing services, such as AirBnb, in Boston’s neighborhoods. The councilor believes there are about 170 AirBnb home shares in his district. His primary concerns include public safety and that are the service is taking away from the city’s rental housing stock. A public meeting is scheduled for January 26th, 6:30 pm at the Copley Library regarding AirBnb, Homeaway and Flipkey.
The councilor also spoke of his support for Mayor Walsh’s recent filing of a lawsuit against the Wynn casino license in Everett, given the expected traffic congestion from Downtown to the casino.
I am so pleased that Sal brought up the issue of SAFETY with these AIRBNBs. We have all witnessed Terrorism
throughout the World, including Boston. I can’t say it enough, we had a NEO-NAZI on Salem St. in the No. End and
one of the 911 Terrorist in a West End High Rise. I would think one would find this far too close for comfort.
We all know what kind of Revenue these AIRBNBS take in, but it is not worth the safety of our small neighborhood.
One of these AIRBNBs is on 177 Endicott St., street floor, and a few months ago they rented to a group of 4 – 6
guys who kept the neighborhood up until 4 30 a.m. yelling the RED COATS are coming. The Background check
on these AIRBNBs are a joke, and not to mention how they can neglect paying proper Real Estate Taxes on the Revenue they take in. I don’t want to pay for anyone’s mistakes or pay for the Greed that consumes
this little neighborhood of ours. THANKS SAL FOR YOUR NECESSARY CONCERN.
Thank You Sal for speaking for our community !!!!