NEMPAC’s month long pledge-a-thon, Keys 4 Kids, was officially a huge success! The campaign began May 1st, 2014 and ended on June 6th, 2014. NEMPAC would like to thank everyone who participated and helped out with this event, especially our students, who worked to so hard to collect pledges. Together with sponsors, matching gifts and pledges earned by students, we were able to raise a total of $8,600!
With these proceeds, we will be acquiring a new piano for our music teaching studios as well as other new instruments. We are also happy to award $5,000 next year in our NEMPAC Music Scholarship Program. “It’s great to see children raising money for children!” says Executive Director Sherri Snow, who oversaw the event and is pleased with the outcome.
To celebrate the end of a successful campaign, NEMPAC hosted a concert on the Prado, so that the students could show off how much they have been practicing and we were able to commemorate them for all their hard work.
More recital pictures can be found on our website.
The three students who collected the most pledges, were awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place ertificates as well as prizes. Congrats to our winners: