Event Notices

Events: Boston Harborfest, USA vs. Belgium and the 4th of July!

Looking to fill in some free time around the neighborhood? Our weekly events post is featured at the beginning of each week to bring you an organized list of community happenings for the week ahead. Check out some local meetings, events, and community happenings. Many will be enjoying three (or more) day weekends to celebrate the 4th of July – there will be plenty of great events in the area to ring in America’s Birthday!

A Happy 4th of July Week! Photo by Matt Conti
A Happy 4th of July Week! Photo by Matt Conti

Monday, June 30

11:00am Children’s Films at North End Library
Located at 25 Parmenter Street

6:00pm Free Zumba Gold exercise classes at Christopher Columbus Park
Sponsored by the City of Boston, enjoy free Zumba Gold exercise classes in the park.

Tuesday, July 1

2:00pm From North Square to Old North Church: A Paul Revere Walking Tour
[Three Opportunities: July 1st, 2nd & 3rd] Starting at Paul Revere House, 19 N Square, this event will take place in rain or shine. The Paul Revere House and the Old North Church are again offering special guided walking tours of North End sites related to Paul Revere, ending with a visit to the church’s bell-ringing chamber and the story of the Midnight Ride. Participants will gain a hands-on understanding of both Revere’s life in the neighborhood and what actually happened on April 18, 1775. More information

3:30pm World Cup Party at City Hall Plaza USA vs. Belgium [City Hall Plaza]
Mayor Walsh, with support of the New England Revolution, will host his second World Cup viewing party for the ‘Round of 16’ game featuring team USA against Belgium. The Revolution street team, the Battalion, will be on site with give-a-ways and fun activities for fans. Slyde, their Mascot, will join the the Rev Girls in spreading enthusiasm throughout the audience.

6:00pm Bootcamp at North End Greenway Parks
North End Fitness Together (NEFT) Bootcamp across from Haymarket between Sudbury and North Streets.

7:00pm NEWRA Parks & Open Spaces Committee Meeting – Nazzaro Center, 30 N. Bennet St.
Recurring on the 1st Tuesday of the month. Visit parks.newra.org for details. 

7:00pm “Lines of Fire, War Letters” at Old North Church, 193 Salem St.
Old North Church is hosting a staged reading of a one act play featuring letters from soldiers in different American wars. The production is called Lines of Fire and will be presented on Tuesday, July 1st at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are $10 with more information in the flyer below. View the event post.

Wednesday, July 2

Boston Harborfest [Five days of events! July 2nd – 6th]
A Fourth of July Festival that showcases the colonial and maritime heritage of the cradle of the American Revolution: the historic City of Boston. Daily Event Schedule

Friday, July 4 Independence Day

6:30am Free Boot Camp Exercise Classes at Christopher Columbus Park
Running on Fridays up until September, these free Boot Camp exercise classes in the park are sponsored by the City of Boston.

10:00am USS Constitution Turn Around
This July 4th is your last chance to see America’s Ship of State, USS Constitution, in all her glory as she makes her annual turnaround cruise in Boston Harbor. “Old Ironsides” is set to begin a restoration process in 2015 that will take three years to complete. She will not make another journey on the sea until she is in ship-shape. Enjoy a first-class viewing access as you cruise alongside the oldest commissioned warship afloat in the world.

12:00pm ROC Teen Saturday BBQ at Mirabella Pool
It’s the annual ROC Teen Saturday Fourth of July BBQ at the Mirabella Pool. There will be a free BBQ, Music, Water Slides, Entertainment – The Classics. All are welcome. Non-pool members may have to purchase a 1-day pass. Special remembrance and love goes out to Johnny Paolo who donated his time to this event every year.

8:30 pm (Concert at the Hatch Shell)
10:30pm (Fireworks on the Esplanade)
The 41st annual Boston Pops Fireworks Spectacular on the Esplanade. The free concert is scheduled to begin at 8:30 p.m., followed by the fireworks, which are scheduled to begin at 10:30 p.m. The Boston Pops concert will take place at the DCR Hatch Memorial Shell. The performance will be led by Keith Lockhart, and guest performers include The Beach Boys, Megan Hilty, and the Boston Children’s Chorus. Also, two lead principals from The Phantom of the Opera will perform.

There are no fireworks on Boston Harbor, although there are several ferry and cruises that will offer a view of the Esplanade fireworks. Many North End / Waterfront rooftops will also have a line a sight to the fireworks show.

Saturday, July 5

1:00pm Colonial Dance Tunes and Love Songs
[Paul Revere House, 19 North Square, Boston] In the guise of itinerant musicians, Al Petty & Deirdre Sweeney perform popular 18th-century tunes such as “Mr. Isaac’s Maggot” and “Jack’s Health” on the penny whistle, flute, fife, & other instruments.

As always, check out our regularly updated events page to keep up with local happenings!